6 Ayurvedic Tips for Colic: Make Your Own Gripe Water

6 Ayurvedic Tips for a Colicky Baby:

Babies and children are incredibly sensitive, in Ayurveda the protocol for addressing health concerns with kids is to always make the medicine or remedy mild and gentle. Such a sensitive being will react quickly and sensitively to any medicine given or change in their diet. These six tips will help you address the colic for instant remedies as well as an overall lifestyle adjustment to support them as they develop and grow their digestive system. We have to remember that they are learning to ingest food through their mouth and eliminate it like we do, their system is brand new and doing it’s best but sometimes it needs some extra gentle support.

  1. Put ghee or coconut oil on your nipple, the bottle nipple, or just a little bit in the mouth. This will help with constipation and to hydrate the digestive system if they are dry. *I used this remedy often in the first few months of my daughter’s life and it always helped!
  1. Gently massage their bellies with oil in a clockwise manner, this should help get things moving. It doesn’t matter what kind of oil, I used olive, coconut, and even ghee sometimes. Just make sure it is pure oil or an Ayurvedic baby massage oil that does not contain and preservatives or scents.

  2. Space out their feeds for at least 2-3 hours. Make sure they are good and hungry so that when they eat it is an actual meal they consume and not just smaller amounts every hour and not meals that will fill them properly. I personally went against the grain and allowed my daughter to sleep as much as she needed to and sometimes that was 3-4 hours. But when she woke was good and hungry and ate a full meal that satisfied her. I am happy to report that she had lots of thigh rolls and sleeps very well to this day at two years old.

  3. Don't let them snack or nibble throughout the day. This leads to them eating smaller amounts, never getting full, and then not ever able to digest fully before their next feed. Just like in adults, this creates back ups and gas from an overworked digestive system. Sometimes I noticed they really are hungry in shorter time frames when they are growing or learning a new skill, so it is best to try and wait at least 2 hours but don’t beat yourself up. For my daughter I always made sure I did my best to wait otherwise it was an immediate cause and affect for her getting colicky.

  4. Mama's diet -- this is a big one. If mama is eating really dry foods, junk foods, heavy to digest foods, or if the formula is using milk that the baby can't digest well you need to switch up the diet. For formula I reccommend goats milk as it is much easier to digest than cows milk and is closer to human milk. For mama's diet I reccommend seeing an Ayurvedic Practitioner to adjust your diet or start with eating warm well cooked foods that are adequately spiced in regular meals and avoiding dairy, onions, wheat, or any major allergens for the time being to see if that brings some relief.

  5. Finally you can make your own gripe water! It is a digestive water-based tincture you can add to your bottles or just drop a few drops in their mouth a few times a day.

Gripe Water Recipe:


2 cups filtered water ¼ tsp. Whole fennel seeds ¼ tsp. Whole coriander seeds ¼ tsp. Fresh ginger

Boil two cups of filtered water with ¼ tsp.each of whole fennel seeds, whole coriander seeds, and ¼ tsp. fresh ginger. Let cool then take a dropper and add 5-10 drops or 1/8th of a tsp. into their bottle or their mouths.

Most resources will tell you not to introduce water to your baby until they are at least six months, but just to reassure you a few drops of water decocted with some herbs is perfectly fine for a baby.

Abhyanga: Luxurious Self-Massage

The hot water opens the pores in the skin and lets the oil seep deeply into your tissues for repair and rejuvenation. This is not a cetyl-alcohol-filled-lotion application where it just stays on the surface of your skin and you wonder why you are always still dry. This is a legitimate, skin softening, health improving practice.

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Ayurveda Electrolytes: It's Summer, Rehydrate!!!

We all know the facts, our bodies are made of 80% water, we can survive longer without food than we can without water, e.t.c. There is no denying it, water makes us feel better by cooling us down in the heat, replenishes some of what we are losing when we exert ourselves, and it's really nice to swim around in.

However, we also now know that water is not everything we lose when we void our bodily fluids. These minerals are vital to keeping our bodies cool and our 'pitta' or fire element in check. If we let the fire burn too hot we will not only persistently be dehydrated but our skin, bladder, kidney, digestive, and heart health will suffer. If you experience UTI's, heart palpitations, burning sensations such as heartburn, rashes, or have loose bowels one culprit could be not enough of the RIGHT hydration.

Ayurveda has a host of natural remedies so that when you lose electrolytes such as chloride, potassium, and sodium you can replenish quickly and effectively!

  • Pomegranate juice with a pinch of cardamom
  • Coconut water
  • A squeeze of lime in room temperature water
  • First cup of water in the morning is slightly warm with a squeeze of lime juice and a pinch of himalayan sea salt
  • Steep mint leaves in water, add maple syrup, lime juice, and a pinch of himalayan sea salt
  • Cucumber juice or steeped in water and lemon/lime juice with a little coconut sugar.
  • Cilantro juice! Juice it with cucumbers, celery, and apple. If that doesn't cool you down, I don't know what will.
  • Cooled milk: warm the milk on the stove with cardamom, rose water, and a little maple syrup/coconut sugar. Let it cool to about room temp and drink.

Don't use ice in your drinks! Very cold liquid makes it very difficult for your body to absorb. If you use ice and pee a lot or feel you can never get enough water try just taking out the ice and see what a difference that makes!

Photo by Alan Carrillo on Unsplash


"Chamomile is veritably one of the best herbs for cooling excess heat and inflammation associated with high pitta.” Annie McIntyre

Chamomile is one of my favorite herbs to use in my practice. Not only is it the cutest little flower, I love its ability to cover such a wide variety of ailments and be mild enough to help those with the most sensitive systems. Chamomile is an age-old medicinal herb known in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome but also spans over 26 different countries in medicinal use.

Chamomile's volatile oils and flavanoids are what give this powerful daisy-family flower healing properties. Below are some main uses and Ayurvedic or herbal remedies safe for anyone to adopt in their routine (unless of course you are allergic to chamomile):

  • Analgesic (vedanasthapana): relieves pain whether it be muscle, nerve, menstrual, e.t.c.
  • Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic
  • Anti-inflammatory (shothahara): reduces inflammation across the board
  • Antihistamine (shothahara): acts as a benadryl for allergic reactions
  • Antioxidant: like vitamin C and E it reduces the oxidation of cells to help combat cancerous free radicals in your body
  • Antispasmodic (shulaprashamana): relieves muscle tension and muscle spasms
  • Carminative (vāta anuloman): mildly laxative without drying the colon
  • Regulates menstruation (artavashamana): an herb women can use for any menstrual ailment
  • Diaphoretic (svedajanana): induces perspiration, helps reduce swelling and edema
  • Digestive (pachan) and stomachic: calms overheated digestion but slightly bitter taste stimulates digestion producing appetite
  • Febrifuge (jwaraghna): helps regulate a fever
  • Diuretic (mutrala): cleansing for the urinary system
  • Nervine (medhya) & sedative (nidrajanana): sedative and calms nerves
  • Strengthening tonic (balya): as it calms all systems it stregthens and revitalizes
  • Vulnerary (ropana): heals wounds

"In moderate amounts it is good for all constitutions, and it is a particularly good beverage for Pitta. It helps relieve bilious, digestive headaches, relieves congestion of the blood and promotes menstruation. It is a sattvic herb that is very balancing to the emotions... For most medical purposes its action is mild and serves as a harmonizing adjunct." -- Yoga of Herbs, by David Frawley and Vasant Lad


As a tea:

→ A little fresh ginger prepared with the tea makes chamomile a completely balanced beverage and counters any emetic effect it might have.

→ Drink tea a half hour after meals to aid in digestion.

→ Drink tea first thing in the morning to help pregnant mama's with morning sickness.

→ Use in a takrum or Ayurvedic digestive yogurt drink to aid digestion, increase appetite, lose weight, remove bloating and flatulence, as well as aid in bowel movement.

→ Lemon/lime and chamomile liquefy stagnant lymph, flush heaviness and stiffness out of the muscles, and reduce swelling/edema in the body. This is extra helpful for those that live in more humid climates or during the wet seasons of later winter/spring time. Add a little local raw honey to increase these benefits!

→ To help with sleeplessness. For chronic insomnia you will need to use in conjunction with stronger herbs like valerian or catnip. It IS perfect however, to calm nerves during a stressful day or bring down the heat a notch after a bout of irritation and anger.

→ Heal mouth sores and prevent gum disease. A chamomile mouthwash may help soothe mouth inflammations and keep gums healthy. Make some tea and swish around mouth for a few minutes before drinking!

→ Reduce menstrual cramps. Chamomiles believed ability to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus helps ease the discomfort of menstrual cramping.

→ Treat diverticular disease, irritable bowel problems and various gastrointestinal complaints. Chamomile's reported anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic actions relax the smooth muscles lining the stomach and intestine. The herb may therefore help to relieve nausea, heartburn, and stress-related flatulence. It may also be useful in the treatment of diverticular disorders and inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease. (2)

Eyes & Skin

→ Soothe skin rashes (including eczema), minor burns and sunburn. Used as a lotion or added in oil form to a cool bath, chamomile may ease the itching of eczema and other rashes and reduces skin inflammation. (2)

→ It may also speed healing and prevent bacterial infection. Place steeped teabags or cooled loose tea in a compress over cleaned wounds, scrapes, or burns.

→ Place cooled tea bags over your eyes after making tea to treat eye inflammation caused by allergies, air pollutants, or even conjunctivitis.


  1. Yoga of Herbs by David Frawley
  2. https://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-chamomile.html
  3. Photo by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash

Ayurveda Diet for Acne

Ayurvedic Diet for Acne

Acne usually plagues everyone at some point in their life. The unfortunate news is that it is DIRECTLY related to our diet (i.e. spicy Mexican food, arugula-mushroom-pancetta-pizza, the organic-delicious-cookie dough ice cream you love). The fortunate news is that it can be easy to fix if you are willing, to be honest about what works for your skin and not just your taste buds.

As you incorporate this anti-acne diet, center your meals around freshly cooked, organic whole foods. Avoid spicy, sour, salty and fermented foods, and stay away from all junk food and processed packaged food. Seriously, stop eating crap. Avoid leftovers as much as possible. If this isn’t possible, consume food within 24 hours of cooking. All meals should be easy to digest, well seasoned with spices, and warm.

Wholesome diet and habits for acne --

  • Lukewarm to warm water intake
  • Intake of easily digestible food
  • Daily intake of fruits and vegetables
  • Sound sleep for at least 6-8 hours
  • Anti-stress exercises like pranayama and yoga
  • Exposure to bright sunlight or take 5000 IUs of Vitamin D
  • Taking a blood cleansing/skin cleansing herbal formula. I use Banyan Botanicals Healthy Skin capsules. You get 15% off with code ALEXAS15!

Unwholesome diet and habits for acne --

  • Excess spices that increase Pitta
  • Excess sun exposure
  • Popping or touching the acne area repeatedly
  • Sleeping with make-up or heavy cream on
  • Although the pitta dosha is always at play in acne, you might be predominantly affected by the vata or kapha dosha.

→ If you have a drier, blackhead-prominent, painful vata-type of acne, avoid any foods on this list that can be constipating or gas-producing like cruciferous vegetables, dried fruits, and beans.

→ If you have large whiteheads and cystic, kapha-type acne, avoid heavy vegetables like sweet potatoes and pumpkins, and go very easy on the fruits, dairy, and oil.


Favor: Sweet fruits in general, sweet apples, berries, cherries, grapes, plums, pineapple and oranges, mango, dates, figs, melon, pears, watermelon, lime

Avoid: Sour apples, berries, cherries, cranberries, grapes, plums, papaya, pineapple and oranges, grapefruit, peaches, tamarind, strawberries


Favor: Artichoke, Asparagus, Black Olives, Bok choy, Bitter Gourd, Bitter Melon, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Green Beans, Endive, Fennel, Jicama, Potato, Leafy greens, Okra, Peas, Squash, Zucchini, Watercress

Avoid: Bell Pepper, beets, corn, chili pepper, eggplant, mustard greens, green olives, raw onion, raw garlic, radish, tomato, turnip, sweet potatoes, pumpkin


Favor: Amaranth, barley, couscous, granola, oats, quinoa, white rice (basmati, jasmine), brown rice (basmati, jasmine)

Avoid: Gluten, wheat, buckwheat, corn flour, millet, yeasted bread

Legumes: Avoid beans in general as they are very hard to digest, but especially avoid red lentils, tempeh, and tofu


Favor: Ghee

Avoid: Dairy in general but especially cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream


Easier to digest white meats like turkey and chicken or sustainably raised/caught freshwater fish are best if they were raised well and fed an organic, natural diet for the specific animal. If we choose to eat animals that have been fed pesticides and very processed feed, what do you think our bodies are absorbing?

Avoid: red meats, eggs, fish, seafood

Nuts and Seeds

Favor: Almonds (very minimal amounts), coconut, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. Seeds are always better than nuts because they have less oil content.

Avoid: Nuts in general but especially cashews, peanuts, sesame seeds, tahini


Favor: Coconut (minimal amounts), ghee (minimal amounts), sunflower (minimal amounts), olive oil (minimal amounts)

Avoid: Canola, corn, sesame, or any other oil not mentioned above


Favor: Cardamom, cinnamon, cilantro, clove, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, fenugreek (in moderation), fresh ginger, lemongrass, mint, parsley, saffron (in moderation), turmeric (in moderation)

Avoid: Bay leaves, cayenne, chili, garlic, dry ginger, ketchup, kimchi, mayonnaise, mustard, mustard seeds, pickles, saurkraut, vinegar


Favor: Dates, figs, honey, maple syrup, rock sugar, sucanat, sweet fruits

Avoid: Chocolate, heavy desserts, junk food pastries, processed food, white sugar


Favor: Almond milk, chamomile tea, coconut water, dandelion tea, fennel tea, licorice tea, rice milk, hibiscus tea, rosehips tea, lavender tea, fresh/filtered/spring water

Avoid: Alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, iced drinks, iced tea, kombucha, lemonade, sour fruit juices

Acne can also be caused by more deep-rooted imbalances like parasites from previous food poisoning or an inability to digest your food at all. Contact your local Ayurveda practitioner (like me) to help you naturally sort this out without relying on acidic skin treatments or antibiotics (which only make it worse).

References: Lad, Vasant. Textbook of Ayurveda: Fundamental Principles. Albuquerque: The Ayurvedic Press, 2002 http://www.holisticvanity.ca/ayurvedic-approach-acne-chat-dr-vasant-lad/ http://easyayurveda.com/2014/08/04/ayurvedic-treatment-for-pimple-cause-herbs-home-remedies/ https://www.elephantjournal.com/2015/02/the-complete-anti-acne-diet/ Photo by Xenia Bogarova on Unsplash

Men's Health: Foods and Recipes for Maintaining Vibrance and Virility

“According to Ayurveda, substances which are sweet, unctuous, nourishing, heavy and which can cause excitement of the mind are aphrodisiacs. Have milk products and meat-based soups regularly. Fish in general are aphrodisiac but rohu fish (carp) cooked with ghee is the most aphrodisiac food. One who takes it regularly does not suffer from sexual debility and low sperm count.”

Avoid foods in excess of salty, sour and pungent tastes.

All meals should be cooked well, warm, spiced appropriately and gooey with ghee.

Grains and grain based snacks:

  • Rice cooked with ghee and spices (you can add them after)
  • Gluten free toast with ghee and honey or tahini and maple syrup
  • Barley Soup --- Use chicken or turkey instead of beef
  • Amaranth or quinoa: use in soups or as breakfast porridge with seeds, almond milk, honey, and raisins/cranberries

Whole fruits or the juices of mango, plum, pomegranates, dates and grapes.

Spices: Aniseed, nutmeg, cardamom, garlic, cinnamon, clove, coriander, fennel, mustard, basil, ginger, black pepper, sesame, and saffron. These are loaded with antioxidants, which are great for overall health, including libido.

Vegetables: carrots, dark leafy greens such as dandelion/spinach/kale/arugula/chard/beet greens-- just make sure they are well spiced and cooked thoroughly, broccoli, onion, garlic

Protein: Lean, light meat like turkey and chicken are best. Fish and oysters also help in sexual health. Men’s erections require a steady release of nitric oxide. The omega-3s found in fish are one of the most proven nutritional paths to heart health and help in blood circulation.

Date Sesame Cookies Ingredients:

  • 1 cup chopped Medjool dates
  • 1 cup walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds (you can mix them in equal parts to make a cup or choose your favorites of the three)
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, plus more for coating
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons of pumpkin spice mix

Directions: In the bowl or a food processor combine dates and walnuts and process until finely chopped and sticking together, about 1 minute 30 seconds. Add coconut flakes, honey, sesame seeds, salt, herbs/spices--pulse until forms a thick paste, about 1 minute more.

Fill a small shallow bowl with sesame seeds. Scooped a rounded tablespoon of paste and roll into a ball using your hands. Roll ball in sesame seeds to cover and place on a plate. Repeat with remaining paste. Let cookies chill in refrigerator until snack time but try not to eat them cold.

Diamond Dates:

  • Ghee (melted), 1 cup
  • Saffron, pinch
  • Cinnamon, pinch
  • Cardamom, pinch

Fill a jar with the dates. Melt the ghee on the stove, mixing in the spices. Pour the ghee over the dates and store on the counter. Enjoy a date every morning!

*Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

Why You Need Ayurveda

Ayurveda teaches life. It connects the rhythm of your being to the rhythm of the Earth, of the universe. It synchronizes our daily life activities to the activities of the sun, the moon, the wind of autumn, the snow of winter, the defrosting of spring, and the fire of summer. Ayurveda clears away the superficial worries and superfluous habits and detrimental patterns so that we know why we live, why we wake up each day to navigate this world.

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